Current Issues

Some of the issues currently being looked at by the Community Council are -.

Safety On Our Streets – SOOS  Earlier in the year, we ran a short survey to gauge residents’ feelings on various aspects of traffic behaviour in the town as we had received some comments showing there was some degree of concern over this.  The results have been collated and various suggestions passed to Midlothian Council and the Police.  One sign of some action on this will be the introduction of a filter for traffic coming from  the east on the High St. and turning right into Edinburgh Rd at the traffic lights, along with some other measures to improve that part of the town.  Subject to finance being available, this will happen in the early Spring.

Re-development of Dalkeith Town Centre.  Midlothian Council is taking a fresh look at how the centre of Dalkeith might be improved.  The views of residents and businesses are being sought at every stage of the process.  After looking at what was said at some initial workshops, held earlier in the year.  Some initial thoughts are shortly to be presented for comments.

Aircraft Noise.  Dalkeith, and other parts of Midlothian, is increasingly being overflown by aeroplanes heading out to over the Forth where they turn for their final approach to land at Edinburgh Airport.  Dalkeith & District Community Council is represented on a body called the Edinburgh Airport Noise Advisory Board (EANAB) which allows communities affected by aircraft noise to work with the airport on ways to mitigate that noise.  The EANAB website is at where copies of minutes, reports etc. can be found.

Although an Airspace Change Proposal (ACP) made by the Airport was rejected by the CAA a couple of years ago, a new ACP is now being prepared.  The difference is that there is a new set of procedures to be followed which should allow for greater community engagement while the proposals are being drawn up.  You can follow the process of the new ACP at

Defibrillators.  DDCC have successfully completed the first phase of installing additional defibrillators in the centre of the town.  The second phase is now to identify any further sites which would enhance the coverage.  It is gratifying to see that already several have been used in earnest, and indeed in one case the use of the defibrillator helped save a life.

Change of use for Jarnac Court building.  The top two floors of the block in Jarnac Court above Subway and the Continental Cafe have now been renovated to provide temporary emergency accommodation for homeless people.  It is estimated this will bring about  a saving on the considerable amount spent by Midlothian Council on B & B accommodation at present.   The first residents have moved in to the building.